AODA Policy


To ensure all Employees, Contractors and Visitors understand and comply with their specific requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disability Act, 2005.


This Policy and Procedure applies to all Employees, Contractors and Visitors.


Productions and Events

Refers to 1000547739 Ontario Inc.

Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA)

Ontario legislation that requires mandatory accessibility standards with the goal of identifying, removing and preventing barriers for people with disabilities in key areas of daily life. The goal is for Ontario to be fully accessible to people with disabilities by 2025.

Assistive Device

An assistive device is a tool, technology or other mechanism that enables a person with a disability to do everyday tasks and activities such as moving, communicating or lifting. It helps the person to maintain their independence at home, at work and in the community. Personal assistive devices are typically devices that customers bring with them such as a wheelchair, walker or a personal oxygen tank that might assist in hearing, seeing, communicating, moving, breathing, remembering and/or reading.


Anything that prevents a person with a disability from fully participating in all aspects of society because of his/her disability; includes a physical barrier, architectural barrier, information or communication barrier, attitudinal barrier, a policy, procedure or a practice.


Means any of the following:

  • Any degree of physical disability, infirmity, malformation or disfigurement that is caused by bodily injury, birth defect or illness and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, includes diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, a brain injury, any degree of paralysis, amputation, lack of physical coordination, blindness or visual impediment, deafness or hearing impediment, muteness or speech impediment, or physical reliance on a guide dog or other animal or on a wheelchair or other remedial appliance or device;
  • A condition of mental impairment or a developmental disability;
  • A learning disability, or a dysfunction in one or more of the processes involved in understanding or using symbols or spoken language;
  • A mental disorder; and/or
  • An injury or disability for which benefits were claimed or received under the insurance plan established under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997.


All individuals receiving any form of monetary compensation from Productions and Events. Employees include full-time and part-time staff and full-time and part-time temporary or contract personnel.

Service Animals

An animal is a service animal for a person with a disability, if;

  • The animal can be readily identified as one that is being used by the person for the reasons relating to the person’s disability, as a result of visual indicators such as the vest or harness worn by the animal; or,
  • The person provides documentation from one of the following regulated health professionals confirming that the person requires the animal for reasons relating to the disability:
    • A member of the College of Audiologists and Speech Language Pathologists of Ontario;
    • A member of the College of Chiropractors of Ontario;
    • A member of the College of Nurses of Ontario;
    • A member of the College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario;
    • A member of the College of Optometrists of Ontario;
    • A member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario;
    • A member of the College of Physiotherapists of Ontario;
    • A member of the College of Psychologists of Ontario; or,
    • A member of the College of Registered Psychotherapists and Registered Mental Health Therapists of Ontario.

Support Person

A Support Person shall be defined as, in relation to a person with a disability, another person who accompanies him or her in order to help with communication, mobility, personal care, medical needs or access to goods and services.


Barriers are often unintentional; therefore the dignity, independence, integration, and equal opportunity of people with disabilities need to be at the forefront anytime a new idea or process is brought into existence.

Assistive Devices

Employees will make every effort to provide Productions and Events’ goods and services in a manner that considers and accommodates the Customer’s disability and respects their dignity and independence.

Productions and Events encourages the use of assistive devices by Customers with a disability to provide the highest level of comfort, dignity and independence while accessing our goods and services. If a Customer chooses to communicate by way of assistive device, Employees will accommodate that Customer’s preferred method of communication.

Support Persons

If a Customer with a disability is accompanied by a Support Person, Productions and Events will ensure that both persons are allowed to enter the premises together and that the Customer is not prevented from having access to the Support Person.

Service Animals

A Customer with a disability that is accompanied by guide dog, service animal or service dog will be allowed access to premises, including food service areas, that are open to the public unless otherwise excluded by law. “No pet” policies do not apply to guide dogs, service animals and/or service dogs.

If it is not readily apparent that the animal is being used by the Customer for reasons relating to his or her disability, Productions and Events Employees may request verification from the Customer (see below).

Verification may include:

A letter from a physician or nurse confirming that the person requires the animal for reasons related to the disability;

  • A valid identification card signed by the Attorney General of Canada; and/or,
  • A certificate of training from a recognized guide dog or service animal training school.

The Customer that is accompanied by a guide dog, service dog and/or service animal is responsible for maintaining care and control of the animal at all time.

If a health and safety concern presents itself, for example, in the form of a severe allergy to the animal, Productions and Events will make all reasonable efforts to meet the needs of all individuals.


We are committed to meeting the communication needs of people with disabilities. When asked, we will provide information and materials in accessible formats, or with communication supports, that takes in account the individual’s needs and circumstances. We will consult with people with disabilities to determine their information and communication needs.

  • Documentation: All published documents can be made available in hard copy, large print and email if required.
  • Telephone Services: We will train our people to communicate over the telephone in clear and plain language and to speak clearly and slowly.

Notice of Temporary Disruption

In the event of a planned or unexpected disruption to services for Customers with disabilities, Productions and Events will notify Customers promptly. This clearly posted notice will include information about the reason for the disruption, its anticipated duration, and a description of alternative facilities or services, if available.

Feedback Process

We will inform our customers of the choices available for them give feedback. Feedback may be provided in any of the following forms:

  • In person;
  • In writing;
  • By email; 
  • By our website; and / or
  • By any other communication technology as required.

If a Customer with a disability would prefer to give their feedback, and receive a response to it, using an alternate method than the ones offered, they may request it.



  • Ensure the AODA Policy and Procedure are applied compassionately and consistently; and throughout all operations;
  • Comply with all legislative requirements, including fiscal responsibility, human costs and human rights issues;
  • Support and promote the AODA Policy and Procedure throughout the organization;
  • Drive the culture to a high level of understanding regarding disability and accommodation;
  • Respond to customer feedback regarding accessible customer service in a timely manner;
  • Show sensitivity to and respect confidentiality of all Customer information; and,
  • Provide education and training about the Policy and Program to all Employees.


  • Support and promote the AODA Policy and Procedure throughout the workplace;
  • Train Employees to understand their expectations and responsibilities under the AODA legislation;
  • Ensure such training is conducted in a timely manner, in accordance with AODA legislation, for all Employees;
  • Show sensitivity to and respect confidentiality of all Customer information; and,
  • Post any planned or unexpected disruptions to services or facilities promptly and clearly. This notice will include information about the reason for the disruption, its anticipated duration, and any alternative facilities or services, if available.


  • Demonstrate your knowledge of and work in compliance with the provisions of the AODA legislation;
  • Accommodate Customer’s needs to the best of your ability;
  • Demonstrate sensitivity to and respect confidentiality of information; and,
  • Report any contravention of the AODA Policy or Procedure.


Standards of this Procedure will be communicated to Managers, Supervisors and Employees through orientation, informal conversations, and / or staff meetings.


Management, Supervisors and Employees will receive training on their responsibilities and the application of this Procedure.

  • This training shall include such topics as:
  • The purposes of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disability Act, 2005 and the requirements of the customer service standard;
  • How to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities;
  • How to interact with people with disabilities who use an assistive device or require the assistance of a service animal or a support person; and,
  • What to do if a person with a disability is having difficulty accessing our goods and services.

Each attendee must sign the training record.

Employees will receive continuous training and/or communication, most notably when changes are made to the AODA Policy and/or Procedure.


Management will review the AODA Policy and Procedure on an annual basis to ensure compliance, understanding and implementation. Management will do a review of the responsibilities set out in this procedure on an annual basis. The Manager will ensure that any changes are understood by all Employees.

Any Policy or Procedure of Productions and Events that does not respect and promote the dignity, independence, integration, and equal opportunity of people with disabilities will be modified or removed.

It will be a goal of Productions and Events. to continually improve the accessibility for anyone who will look to enter the workplace or access any information while on the website.


  • Ontario Legislation – Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005
  • Ontario Regulation 191/11 – Integrated Accessibility Standards, section 86.1.